Embrace your feminine magic, activate your intuitive gifts and birth your creative offerings into the world. 

An eight-week journey to become The One you've been looking for begins on June 27th



Embrace your unique magic and stop second-guessing your innate power


Activate your authentic voice and confidently express your truth


Co-create with the universe, allowing you to work LIGHT instead of hard


Design a life & relationship to money that feels like freedom, where every action feels like a f*ck yes, not an obligation.

this is for you.

HEY magic woman, 

Life has presented you with many initiations. Some rocked your core & tested your faith- like a breakup, illness, career shift, or that nagging feeling of "this isn’t it."

Each one was an invitation from the universe to align you closer to your authentic path. Even the one that led you here. 

I want you to imagine for a moment, that you became the universe. You were in charge. 

What if you chose to initiate yourself? Yet instead of force, you did so with love. 

I created The One to help you learn the sacred practices that have helped me find peace in the unknown and to pass on the rituals and concepts that have helped me become The One I saw in my visions, now.

The "highest self" you see in meditation, dance, song, making love, or getting lost in art- she is you. Your best self doesn't exist 5 years from now.

She is here. 

You are The One you've been waiting for. 

Are you ready to meet her? 


$ex MAGIC 

Use your sensuality as the vehicle for healing & manifestation while exploring the Pussy x Heart x Throat Connection 


Use your your energy (not your hard work) as the conduit for making money with ease and consistency 


Nurture your Divine Masculine and build security and structure inside of yourself that will make your feminine exhale & help you get sh*t done 


Detach from results, work with miracle energy & connect to your spirit guides & angels for support 

Each woman holds an infinite amount of talent, gifts, emotions and range, but so many of us our used to playing the "safe" role in society to be accepted and liked. Inside The One, you'll learn how to play with these ancient archetypes so you can be more of your authentic, whole self, everywhere you go. 

Together, we'll explore.. 

THE QUEEN: She is comfortable receiving praise, financial blessings and has healthy boundaries. She is respected because she commands it, kindly. The Queen has high standards and often exceeds her own. 

THE SACRED $LUT: She knows that pleasure is the pathway to healing and manifestation. She isn't afraid to ask for what she wants and consults her yoni for direction. She says YES to what turns her on in life. 

THE CREATRIX: She represents your rebellious, creative spirit. She does not create to be liked, get followers, or hit a "money milestone." She creates because creating is her he[art], her life force, her purpose. 

THE LOVER: She is the epitome of feminine energy. She seems to flow so effortlessly through the world it can be confusing to some, but inspiring to all.  She raises the energy of every room she walks into. She is overjoyed by the simple pleasures of life. People are their best selves in her presence.  

THE WITCH: The Witch represents sunshine. While she has been associated with darkness and evil, she is a healer. A medicine woman. Mama Earth’s greatest caretaker. Without force, the Witch works with the natural elements to manifests her desires.  

Welcome to your Initiation 



"If you choose to work with Sammi, know that you’re investing in yourself in the ultimate way, and with that bringing life to dormant energy within, in an expansive and explosively-light way." 

Working with Sammi, from the jump, gave me excited and nervous feelings that told me i was pushing up against my comfort zone, touching something that was going to push me to grow and reach deeper parts of excitement within me. in just 4 weeks of working with Sammi, i launched a podcast and got out of my own way through the help of her container. using my voice has been a lifelong journey for me, and my work with Sammi held me in allowance of all that was coming up (resistance and all), offered me structure and clarity (much needed for any people out there with an abundance of feminine energy, needing to build up their masculine), and just so much love. Sammi offers so much beyond what can be distilled into words; simply being in her awareness in any capacity filled my heart up and energetically shifted much beyond my conscious comprehension. it felt like as soon as i started to work with Sammi, my energy was in communion with hers, sifting through, excelling past, and moving in ways of love and inspiration. if you choose to work with Sammi, know that you’re investing in yourself in the ultimate way, and with that bringing life to dormant energy within, in an expansive and explosively-light way.

- Emma LaBarbera

"I never knew how great it could be working with a content creator who GETS it. Mathilde really gets it.

I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts forage farm-to-table flannel. Brooklyn hexagon biodiesel af, man bun literally salvia live-edge fixie cornhole freegan. 

- monique, model



Learn how to...

Become a clear channel for love, creative inspiration, financial abundance, and healing by mastering the laws of receiving  

Cleanse the people and experiences that no longer align with your path (no need to force or burn everything to the ground)- as your frequency rises, the unaligned naturally fades away & the aligned is magnetized to you 

Learn to move as nature by replacing urgency with an infinite mindset   

Develop an intimate relationship with your spiritual support team including your angels, ancestors and spirit guides

Phase 2: CLAIM

Learn how to...

Unearth the hidden wisdom buried in your old stories and beliefs around money & your unique gifts 

Recognize the cosmic breadcrumbs the universe has scattered throughout your life, guiding you towards your purpose  

Harness your psychic abilities and purposefully take steps toward the path that aligns most with your highest good 

Get crystal clear on exactly what you want and how to get it by creating a magnetic field with your energy to attract it 

Phase 3: CREATE

Learn how to...

Tap into *devotion* energy and create a flexible game plan to get your creative ideas out into the world in a way that builds you up instead of burning you out 

Honor and unleash your sensual feminine essence and tap into the ancient truth that pleasure is the gateway to manifestation 

Open up money portals that are aligned with your genuine authentic expression & dharma 

Sam gives you a permission slip to be yourself, to do life and business YOUR way, and to not box yourself into what the experts say you "should do."

- LIZZIE SHUTT, Intuitive living coach

Hey babe-I'm Samantha 

Some call me a friend, a witch, a lover, Reiki Master, intuition teacher, & creativity Doula. 
I use fulfillment and pleasure as a metric for success and for the past 6 years, I've helped my clients generate millions of dollars and more importantly- birth thousands of ideas into the world from podcasts to digital courses, retreats, books, products and events. 
I've had the privilege of working with world renowned Intuitive Channels, Reiki Masters, shamans, and mediums.
I've poured the wisdom I've gained into The One. I've used this magic to fulfill my dreams of launching a podcast (one that now reaches thousands of women every month), manifest my King, soul community, dream home, and a life that drips freedom.
I know what it’s like to do things the hard way, proving my worth and sacrificing my time and authenticity for some praise & a paycheck. I'm human and still fall into life's traps, but now I know how to step back into my power. 
I'm on a mission to teach you how to re-connect with your feminine magic and step into ALL of your power to create true wealth in every aspect of your life.

Are you ready to join me? 

Some call me a friend, a witch, a lover, Reiki Master, intuition teacher, & creativity Doula. 

I use fulfillment and pleasure as a metric for success and for the past 6 years, I've helped my clients generate millions of dollars and more importantly- birth thousands of ideas into the world from podcasts to digital courses, retreats, books, products and events. 

I've had the privilege of working with world renowned Intuitive Channels, Reiki Masters, shamans, and mediums.

I've poured the wisdom I've gained into The One. I've used this magic to fulfill my dreams of launching a podcast (one that now reaches thousands of women every month), manifest my King, soul community, dream home, and a life that drips freedom.

I know what it’s like to do things the hard way, proving my worth and sacrificing my time and authenticity for some praise & a paycheck. I'm human and still fall into life's traps, but now I know how to step back into my power. 

I'm on a mission to teach you how to re-connect with your feminine magic and step into ALL of your power to create true wealth in every aspect of your life.

Are you ready to join me? 



+ Receive weekly (90 min) LIVE coaching calls to strengthen your intuition, channeling abilities & creativity (THURSDAYs @7PMET) 
*first call is held on june 27th 

+ community WHATSAPP group to share wins, ask questions & KEEP THE SPIRIT HIGH 

+ Guided meditations, self-discovery EXERCISES & sacred ritual practices to keep you in the magic 

ready for divine support? 


 Sammi offers so much beyond what can be distilled into words; simply being in her awareness in any capacity filled my heart up and energetically shifted much beyond my conscious comprehension.

ready for magic? 

Pay In Full


✓ 8 weekly live calls starting on June 27th

✓ Community Space

✓ Guided meditations and sacred ritual practices

3 Payments of


✓ 8 weekly live calls starting on June 27th

✓ Community Space

✓ Guided meditations and sacred ritual practices