HEY, Ritch B*tch, Let's make some easy money:


7 Money Beliefs & Embodiment Exercises That Lead me to True Financial Freedom   

Get instant access for just $22  

You'll walk away finally  understanding how to 


Magnetize money faster by cultivating an internal feeling of wealth and financial freedom 


Tap into YOUR Unique Wealth Frequency- not mine, societies and definitely not the patriarchy’s    


Use your your energy (not your hard work) as the conduit for making money with ease and consistency 


Tune into the laws of receiving so you can sit back in your feminine essence and allow pleasure to work FOR YOU 


Hey babe, welcome to my witchy world. I'm Samantha. 

As a business coach for the past 6 years, I’ve had the honor of helping my clients generate millions (yes, millions) of dollars. But that's not what I’m most proud of. I'm proud that I teach them how to do it with a soft approach- entirely fueled by faith and fun. Because making money should be a pleasure. I’ve seen what it is like to make money the hard way, struggling to prove my worth and sacrificing my time for a check. I also know what it feels like to sit in my bed with my lover while the registrations and dollars flow in on a Sunday morning. Let me tell you, making money the easy way is much more fun. I'm on a mission to let you know how powerful, intuitive, talented and wildly capable you are to generate true wealth in every aspect of your life, from business to relationships and love. It’s time to step into the wealthiest version of you.

Some call me a Witch and Reiki Master, others call me a Leadership Coach and Business Doula, either way- I am overjoyed you’re here. 


"I never knew how great it could be working with a content creator who GETS it. Mathilde really gets it.

I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts forage farm-to-table flannel. Brooklyn hexagon biodiesel af, man bun literally salvia live-edge fixie cornhole freegan. 

- monique, model


2024 is the year of

Releasing the belief that we need to work hard to get rich. 

Using your pleasure as the currency to make money. 

Making money in a way that brings you joy and leaves you overflowing with energy. 

let's be real.

you probably spent $22 on a MENTAL HEALTH matcha &  snack this week 

When you sign up for this masterclass, I want you to FEEL what it is like to spend your money as a wealthy woman. To know with 100% certainty that that money will come back to you 100 times over. Feel into the belief that YOU are truly the best investment you could ever make in the world. Because you are. 

“You deserve to feel wealthy in every moment, no matter the number in your bank account." 

delete this block 

Let's  dismantle the patriarchy with our softness, shall we?